Pantry Raid….

Happy Weekend all. 
I’ve been thinking a lot about life, progression, and overcoming obstacles as I gear up for my very first health challenge. The goal of this challenge to encourage, inspire, and direct a group of amazing individuals to live their best life. As expected, many of them have expressed their fears and trepidation. They are worried about failure. But the truth is, there is no need for fear. Failure isn’t a reality. In fact, each time you think you’ve failed what you have really done is gained knowledge. All we can do is try, sometimes that leads to progress and other times we may regress. But we cannot let the fear of striking out keep us from playing the game!

One way you can increase your odds of reaching your goals is to PLAN, PREP, and PRIORITIZE. It’s going to be extremely important that you PREPARE your mind, your body, and your kitchen! So, in order to set yourself up for success get ready to tackle your pantry/fridge, and organize your cupboards! Even if you have just a few minutes to spend. You’ll be glad you did.

1. START ANEW: Throw out expired foods, stuff you don’t actually use, or foods that are going to tempt you. Wipe down your shelves, remove any cobwebs, vacuum the corners….get your space spic and span! 

2. ORGANIZE: Think grocery store style organization: Keep like things together. Grains, nuts, quick snacks, canned goods, etc. Fruits/veggies/proteins. Wash, cut, and store veggies and fruits in the fridge so they are ready to grab and go/eat.
And don’t forget to put less healthy things out of sight… 

3. INVENTORY: Make a list of what you have, so you now what you will need to buy.
4. All done? Congratulations! Now that you’ve cleaned up, it’s time to stock up!
Looking for ideas of what to have on hand? Check out the image below for some ideas!


Until next time. Keep living life- health minded. ❤

Your coach,